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I can remember in my days checking VAT the number of "honest" people I dealt with - their words - not mine. What a surprise I used to get when I discovered large amounts of undeclared cash in the business, claims for speedboats, household goods and lavish entertainment expenses etc !!!However, to be fair, they were only doing what a good percentage of our politicians were up to.I can remember one time I was out on a Vat inspection and the boss was out. When I asked for the books, the office girl asked which set did I want. I asked for both sets. They made interesting reading. The picture on his face when he arrived was worth seeing !Anyway, it's great to be out of it. Dealing with crooks on a daily basis sours your outlook on your fellowman
Yes Maggie, and if my printer disease is terminal I've got 4 spare cartridges which will, without doubt, not fit any new printer currently on sale. Anyone want to buy some ink...going cheap!
I will use compatible ones Eric, just dont see how they can justify charging more for 'branded' cartridges than for the whole printer including cartridges.
I see in the Computer thread that there are more gripes with dodgey machinery, Martin R has printer probs...... I can sympathise with that..... a laptop keeled over last week and Despot put it in for repair ... £120 to fix. Am I just being ( and this is a RHETORICAL QUESTION!!) a miserable old bag,