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Anthony my printer is an Epson. Cartridges are a scandelous price but there is anow a shop 10 miles away who sell copies, in 4 colours, for £5 each.
Not that crazy about Tutti-frutti ice cream... I prefer vanilla ...... and if I were by some horrendous happening, ever to be a calendar girl.... I'd have to be Miss Behaving.Paul, did you get the TV series, Tutti-Frutti over there? It 's from 1987.... but I think it was due to be shown again here... or maybe just has been.... because it was very popular.Starred Robbie Coltrane and Emma Thompson, among others..... "Miss Toner" was the secretary/sidekick of Eddie Clockerty, played by Richard Wilson It was written by the wonderful John Byrne.
Don't get me going on this one. Why do all makes of mobile phone have a different charger and you get a new one with every phone whether you need it or not? Anybody want a drawer full of phone chargers?