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It seems to be more prevalent amongst young women and girls than with young men and boys.
That might, in my opinion, be attributed to the fact that many young men and boys have a great tendency to be monsyllabic ..... hard to get much inflection in a low frequency grunt !
Quote from: Maggi Young on December 22, 2009, 11:50:48 AM That might, in my opinion, be attributed to the fact that many young men and boys have a great tendency to be monsyllabic ..... hard to get much inflection in a low frequency grunt ! I have to bite my tongue not to respond to that... (Bad dirty mind) No sentence ends which are intoned as a question in Dutch though...
It's here: (Attachment Link)
My particular beef listening to the radio or TV is missing out syllables. i.e. not pronouncing words "prop(er)ly". Words like Draw(r)ing; adapt(at)ion; particu(lar)ly (letter in brackets added or deleted) etc. etc.