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Mark, is the pear a variety grown for its fruit? If so, the stench will attract pollinators I suppose. Like carrion crows or something similar.
About 20 years ago I planted 3 Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' Yet one little inconvenient fact rarely gets a mention, the flower exude a powerful unbearable stench, like that of carrion on a hot day mixed in with burning rubber The first year the trees flowered, after detecting a mysterious stench near the road, I assumed it to be a dead animal, so I went and got a shovel to dispose of a yet-to-be-found carcass, but one was not to be found; moving closer to the trees I realized the beautiful snow white trees were to blame! If I wanted such a offensive stench I would've planted a hedge of Amophophallus As it is now, I cannot work in the front yard when the trees are in bloom, so overbearing is the reek.
Mark, why didn't you turf the trees after the first year if they stink so much??
What does "turf the trees" mean?
Maggi, I love slang, although I have had to stop using it most of the time as nobody around here understands it. It's interesting to note that a lot of words I had thought of as Oz slang turns out to be British.I have done my best to spread the use of the word 'stickybeak' throughout North America as well as parts of Europe, I think it is my favourite word
Aha! You have me there with "stickybeak", Helen... I'll make a guess.....: nosey, impertinently curious?