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Surely this should be in the happy thread? There are many worse ways of spending your time.(Says she who feels guilty about her 7 days, 17hours and 26 mins!)
174 days, 3 hours and 35 minutes....... but who's counting! And after all it is is part of my "job description" to be here In my next quiet moment I'm going to work out what that could have earned me in gainful employment at minimum wage ..... though that is likely something a volunteer should never do in case of suffering shock!
Just a gentle moan ...I have just noticed that each member of this magnificent forum can ascertain exactly how many minutes they have spent on these pages since they joined way back in the mists of time ... view Home Page under your Hello message ...... and to my chagrin I have discovered that I have spent ONE MONTH of my life on these pages!!!It could, of course, be worse ... I could have spent it in Alcatraz!!! Total time logged in: 30 days, 23 hours and 48 minutes.May we enquire what your logged-in time is Maggi?
Went to the Post Office today to get an International Money Order and was told by the staff that they are no longer available in Australia.They used to cost $8.00, now have to get a bank draft which cost $25.00 bye Ray