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Author Topic: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat  (Read 220495 times)

Martin Baxendale

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #525 on: October 26, 2008, 04:47:43 PM »
David you can always get out an hour earlier mornings :D ;D


Spoken like a true masochist.  :)
Martin Baxendale, Gloucestershire, UK.


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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #526 on: October 26, 2008, 06:53:42 PM »
David you can always get out an hour earlier mornings :D ;D

Derek, those young gardeners need their beautysleep in the morning  ;D ;D
Luit van Delft, right in the heart of the beautiful flowerbulb district, Noordwijkerhout, Holland.

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David Nicholson

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #527 on: October 26, 2008, 07:13:03 PM »
Too right they do, I gave up 'earlies' on the day I retired and these days, having read the paper over a leisurely breakfast, and had a nice leisurely shower, I'm usually seen in the vicinity of the greenhouse around 1000 hours before a break for coffee and biscuits at 1115. As I've said many times, retirement's a wonderful institution; the money's not as good, but boy oh boy the hours take some beating 8)
David Nicholson
in Devon, UK  Zone 9b
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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #528 on: October 26, 2008, 07:17:50 PM »
I too gave up 'earlies' on the day I retired David ... I now lie in until 6.10am EVERY morning without fail!
Cliff Booker
Behind a camera in Whitworth. Lancashire. England.

David Nicholson

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #529 on: October 26, 2008, 08:05:45 PM »
Cliff, I'm a couple of hours later than you-do you have trouble sleeping? ;D
David Nicholson
in Devon, UK  Zone 9b
"Victims of satire who are overly defensive, who cry "foul" or just winge to high heaven, might take pause and consider what exactly it is that leaves them so sensitive, when they were happy with satire when they were on the side dishing it out"

Lesley Cox

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #530 on: October 27, 2008, 03:08:11 AM »
So that means we're now THIRTEEN hours ahead of you lot, and the Aussies are ELEVEN.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9

Anthony Darby

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #531 on: October 27, 2008, 12:33:26 PM »
Why do we in the UK continue this archane practice of putting back the clocks by one hour earlier today-what on earth does it acheive? Apart from, that is, the odd day I'm able to get out in the garden I have to pack up at 1630 or earlier >:( >:(

It's so my kids don't have to go to school in the dark!
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
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David Nicholson

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #532 on: October 27, 2008, 12:39:08 PM »
OK Anthony, I can accept that. So, let me amend, slightly, my original assertion. Why do we in England continue this archane practice...........................? ;D
David Nicholson
in Devon, UK  Zone 9b
"Victims of satire who are overly defensive, who cry "foul" or just winge to high heaven, might take pause and consider what exactly it is that leaves them so sensitive, when they were happy with satire when they were on the side dishing it out"

Maggi Young

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #533 on: October 27, 2008, 01:24:32 PM »
Why do we in the UK continue this archane practice of putting back the clocks by one hour earlier today-what on earth does it acheive? Apart from, that is, the odd day I'm able to get out in the garden I have to pack up at 1630 or earlier >:( >:(

It's so my kids don't have to go to school in the dark!
But the children still have to come home in the dark through winter... what's the difference... in most of Scotland it is dark at both ends of the school day in winter.....I wonder the kids aren't evolving to be born with headlamps on....( which is, of course, why famers wear such large caps..... ;)
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

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mark smyth

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #534 on: October 27, 2008, 04:17:43 PM »
Do you think our emerging bulbs are enjoying the brighter mornings?
Antrim, Northern Ireland Z8
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Anthony Darby

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #535 on: October 27, 2008, 09:09:44 PM »
But the children still have to come home in the dark through winter... what's the difference... in most of Scotland it is dark at both ends of the school day in winter.....I wonder the kids aren't evolving to be born with headlamps on....( which is, of course, why famers wear such large caps..... ;)

Ah, but they come home at an earlier time than the rushhour traffic, unlike in the morning.
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
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Maggi Young

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #536 on: October 27, 2008, 09:14:14 PM »
Ah, but they come home at an earlier time than the rushhour traffic, unlike in the morning.

Well, yes, I do see that if they walk  8)..... but  with the number of kids being driven to school around here, the bulk of the traffic is the schoolrun anyway.... masses of Mum's with chelsea tractors :-X :P
When school hols are on, roads are amazingly quiet.  ::)
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

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Anthony Darby

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #537 on: October 27, 2008, 09:33:44 PM »
Today, for the first time, James accepted a lift to school from Vivienne! Normally he walks or cycles the two miles. Unless he has something on after school, he walks home. I find it bizarr the number of primary school kids, who can have no more than a mile to walk, get lifts. At least in Dunblane, unless your kids are nice but dim and go to private school to keep them away from the hoi polloi, there is only one secondary school.
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
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Michael J Campbell

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #538 on: October 27, 2008, 09:35:22 PM »
There is a play school a few doors down from where I live. One morning my son was coming to visit and he saw a woman put a child in a 4 x 4 and driving it two doors down to the play school. Just 35 yards. ??? He was shocked,but I wasn't

Lesley Cox

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Re: Moan, moan, moan----get it off your chest or have a chat
« Reply #539 on: October 27, 2008, 09:44:02 PM »
The rationale for driving modern kids to school, even very short distances, is that if they have to walk or cycle on their own, they're certain to be molested/kidnapped by the millions of nasty people who live or prowl in the neighbourhood.

I walked when very young, about 2 miles then cycled when old enough. My mother walked two miles from the age of 6 then rowed a boat across a river then walked more miles to get to her school but that was back in the 1914-1920 period. Then she went off to boarding school and lived in.

Re daylight saving, I know an elderly lady who each year, as DS starts, says "more sunshine for the dear flowers." :)
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9


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