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..and if we are thinking of the 'moan,moan...' was I the only one sufficiently depraved to see Maggi's unfortunate progression from 'million' to 'billion' toa certain South American country? (modesty prevents me from being more explicit!).
and Lesley Cox.....another, almost as tricky....
It's a doodle from Darwin's note book of 1837 showing his earliest illustration of 'the tree of life'.
Yes Gerry, our own version, but the very magazine of which you speak (with some longing?). I like it for the music of course, and for the only informed political comment we get (frequently with tongue firmly in cheek) and with theatre, art, books etc as well as some jolly good cartoons. Visiting Australian friends look at it with envy.
Not that I don't agree... I most certainly do... we get the same kind of "formats" from our local TV stations, but this thread does need to be moved to the moan moan moan thread !!!!!
They are playing like new-to-the-game club cricketers...