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Did anyone see Gardeners World last Friday? Toby the new presenter said something stupid - as far as I know. He said something like - did you know daffodils follow the sun from east to west. What a load crap. When grown in the open ground they face south. That's what mine do anyway and that's why bulbs for shows are turned to make sure the flowers open facing all directions.Did anyone see the farmer on TV who was planning to make her farm more environmentally friendly? In the programme they visited a wood. The editor slipped in various birds including a firecrest Regulus ignicapillus. They arent a British bird. They also showed a robin with a song dubbed over the top. That's Ok except it was the call of a swallow.
My little moan today concerns the search facility on the Forum. I've never had much joy with it but when I'm looking today for references to Saponaria, all I get is "You probably mean Sonora." No, I don't!
The 'did you mean...' predictions can be hilarious. As if anyone would want to search for 'Pulsating vulgar is'
Vivien, your suggestion that the search only worked for the thread you have open, unless one searches from the main page puzzled me and I just tried it.... from this page, for Saponaria and got 20 results, Lesley!! !"it" also asked me if I was looking for Sonora, but it gave me 20references,too.