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Celeriac is a thing which has never tempted me..... but now I get the idea from Robin of this layered cheesy bake.... I'm enthused. Thanks!
Speaking as an 'unfortunate' without a gall bladder and therefore unable to cope with much fat in my diet, sounds great but for me "ouch!"
OK, I can live with all these strange vegetable discussions. Just so long as no-one starts spouting the virtues of Brussel Sprouts. They're even worse than Avocado! (shudder)
Remaining with a somewhat gory subject, in Central Otago which in parts looks very like the wilder parts of Afghanistan, there is an annual Great Easter Bunny Shoot. I think around 25,000 rabbits were shot this year. While at the beginning it was a local event, with the farmers and run-holders whose land was infested doing the dirty deed (they work in teams of 4 or 5), the event has become famous and is now a world-wide thing, with teams coming from Poland one year, from the Australian and US armies and many other places. There are now so many teams registering to shoot, that they have to hold a ballot in order to keep the numbers reasonable, and for safety to be maintained. They shoot through both day and night. The men (and some women) all get to do their macho thing and the harvest makes it possible for farming in the area to remain viable.
Lesley, I'm with you, avocado is food for the gods and baby brussell sprouts are wonderful.I love avocado in salsas, with asparagus, in salads, mashed on a chillie con carne pizza ( you don't put the avocado and sour cream on until after it is cooked), hmmmm what else, anything mexican, but maybe best of all is on a fresh bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese, vidalia onion slices and a few capers.........oh bliss!!! .......and then there are fiddleheads which just happen to be in season at the moment
I thought my Brussel Sprouts comment would generate some reactions, although I am most worried by those angry looks from Luc.
Well Anthony, the alternatives for pest animals, include some pretty filthy poisons which endanger native birds, farm dogs and others. It is not the gun which is the problem, it's the person who uses it, and his/her attitude.
Quote from: David Nicholson on May 28, 2009, 07:36:02 PMSpeaking as an 'unfortunate' without a gall bladder and therefore unable to cope with much fat in my diet, sounds great but for me "ouch!"How galling!