Can I give a different view about IE? Out in the "real" commercial world most organisations were brought up on Microsoft IE and Office. Most commercial organisations are very risk-adverse so of course they continue to use what has always worked. They also employ many staff who are not computer buffs, so there is a significant overhead in teaching staff to use a a new program every 10 minutes. Most also use a "reverse-beta-testing" approach where they let other organisations go through the pain of dealing with bug-filled software releases and only upgrade once the product has settled down.
I just wonder about our online readership profile sometimes. Many are of the (ahem) older age profile, and are not likely to keep changing browsers just because Foxfire or Chrome has recently leapfrogged the other with some new feature, and is the latest thing to have. They do not have hangups about world domination by Microsoft, they just want to see the text and some good photos. Others like me are forced to use IE9 (or earlier) when we view the Forum at work (at lunchtimes only, Fred!).
Don't get me wrong, I use other browsers on my iPad and mobile/cellphone. I think we need to keep all of our readers in mind and not be too far ahead of the curve, hoping they will catch up in technology, but actually cater to the many of them who will not keep up with new technology. However we must still foster the interest of our younger tech-savvy readers, keep up with other organisations' websites and not be too far behind the curve either.
It's a very difficult thing to judge, and all credit must to the Web Team for being so proactive in these matters rather than maintaining the status quo!