Hello to all the lily breeders here,
since I think, I have a big problem, I would ask you for help this way:
(hopefully) like some others here, I am growing the marvellous Lilium gloriosoides.
This lily is very very difficult to cultivate, but of the relatively young bulbs that I was able to buy last winter, two have developed buds. These are still closed and I think the larger one will open it's flower in about 7-10 days.
Unfortunately the plant with the smaller bud (I guess it needs still 2-3 weeks to flower) looks very unhealthy and I fear, that it will die before flowering, so the pollen of it will not get ripe in time.
I therefore ask you, if there is someone who could send me pollen of L. gloriosoides within the next 10-14 days.
Any help would be appreciated!
You may answer per PM or here in the thread to my request.
Thanks in advance!