I cant read the Myddleton list. Can someone copy it and post it?
Galanthus woronowii 'Cider With Rosie'
A trym-type flower. New and rare.
Galanthus 'Clovis'
The flowers show variable numbers of trym-type petals. Three, four, five or six on different flowers in a clump. Slow-growing but very desirable.
Galanthus 'Deer Slot'
The dark green mark is divided to form a mark like a deer slot. Only some petals show this character, ie stably-unstable. A large plant with very blue-grey leaves.
Galanthus 'Dymock'
Small flowers with a broad x-mark. A small plant with metallic blue leaves. Rarely offered.
Galanthus elwesii 'Advent'
New variety with long ovary and outers and an arching pedicel. A very early, vigorous selection.
Galanthus elwesii 'Godrey Owen'
A very vigorous form which reliably has six outers and six inners. A superb garden plant.
Galanthus elwesii 'Marlie Raphael'
A rare form with large flowers with green-tipped outers and vigorous habit.
Galanthus elwesii 'Rosemary Burnham'
One of the best of the virescents and easily the most vigorous. Short.
Galanthus 'Glenchantress'
A superb new variety with massive flowers. Should be in every collection.
Galanthus 'Greenfinch'
A rare and desirable variety. A deep green crescent mark on the outer with pinched tips. Slow-growing.
Galanthus 'Green Tear'
A wonderful new virescent snowdrop. Very vigorous and reliable.
Galanthus 'Homersfield'
A new variety, vigorous with two flowers per bulb. Tall-growing with distinctive thick outers and the marks on the inner a bit like 'Ketton' but greener eye spots.
Galanthus 'Ivy Cottage Corporal'
Distinctively-marked with green on the inners, the marks are like the two stripes of a corporal. Vigorous, but rarely offered. Early.
Galanthus nivalis 'Angelina'
A large variety with exceptionally heavily green-marked outers. Very desirable.
Galanthus nivalis 'Bishop's Mitre'
A scharlockii type with a short peduncle and very long pedicel, so long that the flowers nearly touch the ground. Very rarely offered.
Galanthus nivalis 'Flocon de Neige'
A double which reliably has six well-shaped outers and a full centre. Short. Rare.
Galanthus nivalis 'Marjorie Fish'
An extreme scharlockii with large leafy "ears" and green markings at the tips and bases of the outers.
Galanthus nivalis 'Mosquito'
A double which has the most amazing central pointel of white petals sticking out like a mosquito's proboscis.
Galanthus nivalis 'Norfolk Blonde'
A newer yellow variety with a very long ovary. The yellow is a distinctive pale colour and the leaves are a unique shade of yellow-green.
Galanthus plicatus 'E.A.Bowles'
The superb fully poculiform form of plicatus. Massive flowers, ridiculously vigorous and even the
daughter bulbs flower.
Galanthus plicatus 'Wandlebury Ring'
A good yellow variety, taller than 'Wendy's Gold'. Rarely offered.
Galanthus reginae-olgae subsp. vernalis 'Miss Adventure'
One of a bizarre group where the spathe has become white and petal-like and arches over the normal
flower like a hood. Vigorous.
Galanthus 'South Hayes'
An older, but still highly sought-after, variety with two green marks on both inners and outers. The
mark on the outer being fused into a continuous line.
Galanthus 'Timm's Hill Poë'
An amazingly vigorous plant with flowers twice the size of the usual 'Hill Poë'
Galanthus 'Trumps'
A trym-type seedling with green tips on the outers. A superb newer variety which has proved
exceptionally reliable and vigorous. Blue-grey leaves.
Galanthus 'Walker Canada'
A short plant with enormous flowers. The mark on the inner is like a thick, chunky egg-timer