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I was dithering about going to Myddleton as we'd had fresh snow at home and BBC travel said the A12 was shut at Colchester but I sailed down the M11 and it was a lovely day. I got there after the queue had gone but still managed to get a Godfrey Owen for £20 and succumbed to a Trumps - judging by the quantity Matt had to sell, this should be a good doer!The garden was looking beautiful but needs a couple more days to encourage the snowdrops out. With the warm sun the first were opening petals by midday. Loved the glasshouse and was amused at the profusion of cork-tipped spikeys...
Gail - I'm loving that first picture showing Richard contorting himself to read a label at the GlenChantry table.
I keep finding out about people who were at the Myddleton House sale that I missed seeing. It's mostly my own fault because I'm truly terrible at recognising people. I completely missed forumist Loes (who I've met before) and now I find out that Belgian collector Ruben Billiet was there. I once swapped one of my snowdrop finds with him, a double called "Cressida", which, if he still has it, makes him the only other person to own this one. But all this was done by email and mail; I never met him in person and missed the opportunity yesterday.Moral: if anybody sees and recognises me, please introduce yourself and say hello.