Now a list of articles by Dr Henry Tod for the journal:
TOD, Dr. H.:
Ash Plunge Frame, The, 39/129
B.I.O., 22/11
East and West : 14/51
High Calcium or High pH?, 18/50
Growing Rock Garden Plants in Character and Condition, 48/165
Growth Trials on Sphagnum Composts, 42/22
Harvesting Seeds, 20/214
Our Former Editor-J. L. Mowat. 43/89
Our Shows - An Appeal, an Explanation and a
Challenge, 46/45
Papers by the late Dr H. Tod, 55/85
Peat, its Formation and Nature, 14/56
Plants for an Autumn Show, 41/292
Some Plant Likes and Dislikes, 20/218
Rock Gardening from the Ground Up, 43/92; 44/207; 45/298; 46/33; 47/93; 48/216; 49/297; 50/54; 51/147; 53/307; 55/155
Rock Plants, Bees and Seeds, 22/57
Rocky Mountain Plants and their Habitats, 34/12
Soils. 22/71
Some Alpines that Behave Well (illustrated). : 4/129
Some Plant Likes and Dislikes, 20/218
The Control of Soil Pests, 24/230
The Culture of Rock Plants, 25/341
The use of Sterilised Composts for raising Alpines from Seed. : 3/95
They’re Good But Need Watching, 41/318
Harvesting Seeds,. 20/214
What is Soil pH.? : 8/90
Some New Plants from Turkey Part 1, 14/36 Part 2. 16/251 Part 3. 18/18
Automatic Watering, 33/250; 35/142; 53/297
Growing bulbs from seed, : 72/262