I got a lot of seeds in trading and also seeds from garden friends who ordered for me at Alplains.
I hate to spill seeds, so I'm offering the ones I have left. I do not always need the amount of seeds that are sent to me.
Everything from Alplains came in here last month and the seeds from tradings came in the last 2 months.
Please be aware of the fact that seeds I got in tradings might me miss labeled or not fresh.
Seeds from Alplains:
Phyllodoce empetriformis
Caryopteris x clandonensis
Penstemon rupicola Stachys lavandulifolia
Asclepias latifolia
Trollius albiflorus
Stanleya pinnata Tephrosia virginiana
Zauschneri garettii Phacelia sericea Seeds from tradings:
Gaura lindheimeri
Satureja montana
Anemone sylvestris
Aster amellus
Gentiana asclepiadea blue
Gentiana asclepiadea white
Aubrieta purple cascade
Saxifraga nipponica makino
Digitalis lutea
Digitalis lanata
Glaucium flavum fulvum
Begonia evansii
Asclepias verticillata
Papaver alpinum
Asclepias sulivantii
Centaurea moschata
Geranium yoshinoi
Agastache nepetoides
Geranium wlassovianum
Rhus aromatica
Ruellia caroliniensis
Lychnis flos-cuculi nana
Solidago rigada Campanula muralis
Asphodelus albus
If you are interested, please send me a PM and tell me how many seeds you would like to get. From some I only have a very limited amount of seeds.
In return I would like to get seeds of my wishlist
http://seedsite.eu/wishes.htm , but I'm open to everything I can grow here in my USDA zone 6. And if you have no seeds in return at the moment, I don't mind to wait until next year if you are at least a member for 1 year. I had some bad experiences with people asking me for seed and never sending anything in return.