Aberdeenshire: Mr Ian Chapman, 3 Morningside Crescent, Aberdeen, AB10 7NW.
Phone: 01224 310188 or email ianchapman273@gmail.com. Meeting in Rubislaw Church Centre, Beaconsfield Place,Aberdeen: Last Tuesday in the month, September to April.
Angus: Mr Michael ALMOND, The Retreat, Grange, Errol. PH2 7SZ 01821 642232 Tower Lecture Theatre, Tower Building, Dundee University, Dundee: First (or second) Monday in the month.
Ayrshire: Mr Richard BARR, 15 Meadowbank Avenue, Strathaven. ML10 6JS01357 521852 r.l.barr@btinternet.com. Venue details from Mr Barr: Second Wednesday in the month.
Borders: Mrs Christine WATSON 14 Buccleuch Chase, St. Boswells, Melrose. TD6 0HB cawtd6@goog-lemail.com Bowden Village Hall: First Monday in the month.
West of Scotland: Mr John LEE, 25 Douglas Drive, Old Drumchapel, Glasgow G15 6SW 0141 944 2411 The Hopkirk Building, Glasgow Botanic Garden, Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow: Second Monday in the month.
Edinburgh: Mr John MITCHELL, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh. EH3 5LR 0131 248 2918 j.mitchell@rbge.ac.uk Second Tuesday in the month. Details also available from Dr Carole Bainbridge 0131 445 3268
Highland: Mr John OWEN, Askival, Fort Augustus PH32 4DS 01320 366246 askivalalpines@johnowen58.orangehome.co.uk Nairn Community Centre: Second Wednesday in the month.
Moray: Mr Alan SOUTER, Stac Pollaidh , Aberlour, AB38 9LL 01340 871504. alan.souter@talk21.com New Elgin Public Hall Annex, Land Street, New Elgin: Last Friday in the month.
Perthshire: Contact Nicola Macnee. Email perthshire.rockgarden.club@fireflyuk.net
The Group meets at the Assembly Room, North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth PH1 5BF. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm. Visitors are very welcome (£3 per meeting). First Tuesday in the month.
South West Scotland: Mr David McHALE, The Limes, Kirkcudbright. DG6 4XD 01557 330947 david.mchale@btinternet.com Threave Garden Visitor Centre, Castle Douglas: Usually second Thursday in the month October through March.
Stirling: Mr Sandy LEVEN, 2 Leighton Court, Dunblane, Perthshire FK15 0ED 01786 824 064 sandy.leven@btinternet.com Dunblane Christian Fellowship Hall, Stirling Road, Dunblane: First Wednesday in the month.
North Northumberland: Mrs Elizabeth HERD, ‘Nyasa’, Dunstan Village, Alnwick NE66 3SX 01665 576530 elizabeth.herd@googlemail.com Belford Community Centre, Belford: Various Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, details from Mrs Herd.
North Cumbria Rock Garden Group (North West England): Mr. Tony MITCHELL Eastwood, 132 Houghton Road, Carlisle CA3 0LD 01228 528546 Third Friday evening in month.Group Meetings are normally held monthly from September or October until March or April.
Group Meetings are mostly held monthly from September or October until March or April. The normal dates of meetings are given and the lectures usually start at 7.30 pm. Exceptions do occur, so it is wise to check by contacting the appropriate Group Convener. Alternative contact details can often be found in the programme details of each Group.
See the group programmes here :