 New garden
Aided by my wee Kuboto tractor I have endeavoured to transfer as much compost and plants to the lower area as possible.
 Tufa marle area
I have also lifted and rearranged all of the limestone rocks to finish the landscape of the new garden in the lower area.
 Peat blocks
Last October I was fortunate to receive some super large peat blocks from Sweden. The blocks are 20 inches long with a depth and height of 9 inches with these I have created a peat wall and filled the centre with a mixture of compost and Melcourt bark. Among my stock pots I just happened to notice a few Shortias', Cassiopes' and a dwarf Kalmia these I have inserted into the peat blocks or within the raised bed area.
 Peat wall
 Big move trees
With a mammoth task ahead I decided to hire in the heavy squad to lift and transfer our established trees which had flourished in their respective raised beds for over twenty years. With a perfect day and the equipment ready the work began in earnest.
 Remove hedge
First of all the removal and disposal of a Castlewellan Gold hedge this job was completed in no time at all . The soil from the raised beds and surrounding the trees was removed then transferred to extend the existing garden at the rear of the house and also to encompass former nursery ground that stretched to the western boundary. Armed with a superb digger driver the delicate task of lifting our precious trees was made to look so easy, he was so careful gently easing the roots free this job that was made slightly easier because the trees were being removed from raised beds.
 Lift juniper 1 06
I am especially nervous of the replanting of a fine specimen of Juniperus recurva Coxii . I wait with baited breath to see if it will succeed in its new setting.
 Lift and move acers
Two Acers', a Cornus and a large Abies lasiocarpa were then lifted and replanted by the digger driver I hope they will enjoy their new homes. A massive operation that would have taken me weeks or perhaps months to complete was accomplished in one day a man and his machine.
 Lift and move abies
I have added some compost to my new north facing garden and managed to plant a few Galanthus but work has come to a sudden halt because March has come in like a lion with two periods of heavy snowfall within two weeks.
 Bramblings in tree
I am now spending my time feeding the birds and using my wee Kuboto to clear snow to allow us access to the main road.
To be continued
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